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A little over two decades ago, when dental implants first came into use in the oral healthcare industry, they were primarily seen as a viable option for restoring a single lost tooth. As time has gone by, dental implant technology techniques and training have advanced, so they can be used in multiple applications including restoring multiple lost teeth with a bridge.

The initial appointment involves examining the teeth, and your jaw structure as well as taking some X-rays. It’s not uncommon for a tooth that was lost, extracted, or if you’ve struggled with gum disease in the past to decrease the bone structure in your jaw. If this is the case, Dr. Philip Cooper might recommend that you receive a bone graft to restore enough structure to mount an implant.

The implant procedure usually requires deep sedation. So, you will need to arrange to have a friend or family member drive you.

The procedure involves making two small incisions in your gums to gain direct access to your jawbone. They will then make a narrow channel into the bone and screw a titanium abutment into place. An impression is made of the area, which is sent to a dental lab that makes your permanent bridge. Temporary crowns are placed over each abutment to protect them.

When your new bridge is ready, and the abutments are securely fused to your jaw bone, Savannah Dental Associates will call you in for a follow up appointment. The temporary crowns are removed and your new bridge is cemented in place.

If you have lost multiple teeth in one part of your mouth and you would like to explore your options for restoring them with dental implants, please call Savannah Dental Associates at 912-234-5003 to schedule an appointment.