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Periodontal (gum) health is a vital part of overall oral health. But many people don’t take care of their gums the way they should. Why are healthy gums important, and what should you do to maintain gum health?

Our gums help protect and support our teeth. But these sensitive tissues are quite vulnerable to disease and infection. The same plaque that continuously builds up on your teeth and causes tooth decay can harbor bacteria that infect the gums. Initial signs of early gum disease, or gingivitis, include inflamed, sensitive gums and easy bleeding. Left untreated, gum disease can cause gums to recede from teeth. Connective tissues can deteriorate and teeth can eventually loosen and even fall out.

Gum disease also affects other systems in the body. Research has associated gum disease with various serious issues, including heart disease. Gum disease is a known risk factor for heart disease, and can also exacerbate existing heart conditions.

So, how do you protect your gums? One way is by effective daily oral hygiene habits. Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day. Use gentle strokes so as not to damage your gums. Flossing daily removes the plaque that builds up between teeth. You can also use an antiseptic mouth rinse to kill other bacteria in your mouth.

It is also important to maintain other healthy habits. Don’t use tobacco products of any kind, and be sure to eat a diet high in vitamins and minerals. Be aware of a family history of gum disease, and take especial care if you have diabetes or a weakened immune system.

By maintaining good periodontal health, you can help ensure high overall oral health. To learn more about protecting your gums or to make an appointment with Dr. Philip Cooper, please call Savannah Dental Associates in Garden City, GA, today.